I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.” It can apply to a lot of things in life, but fitness is one area where people can seem to let excuses creep in. Let’s be realistic: Sometimes life gets in the way. Your well-meaning plans to workout for an hour a day suddenly seem impossible so you just give up.
Fit it in.
Maybe you can’t find an hour a day, but no doubt you can find half an hour a few times a week. What’s the best use of these half hour time slots for your fitness? Intensity. Commit to that half hour and work your butt off (or if your goal is to build your butt up, squat heavy and do that)!
Whether you go to the gym or just workout at home, a lot can be achieved in half an hour. Use your time wisely. Try super-setting your exercises, so work your biceps in one exercise and in their rest time, work your triceps. Work your abs or do pushups in between your lunges sets. Don’t give yourself any rest time (or only as much as you actually need).
Time it!
Another great use of half an hour is Tabata type training, where you perform each exercise for eight sets, made up of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. This works out to four minutes per exercise, so even with a short break between exercises you can fit six different exercises into your workout. It might not sound like a lot, but done properly this kind of training is a killer.
If fitness is important to you, find a way! If you only have half an hour, up the intensity and make it happen.