Something that really fascinates me lately is biohacking. The relatively new term (new enough for Word to tell me it’s a mistake), is all about optimising your mind and body. Steve Jobs predicted the wellness revolution, once commenting; “…the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be at the intersection of biology and technology.”
It crept in as smart phones got smarter. Not only could we feel like we had a good or bad night of sleep, data on our phones could tell us. It became easy to track our diet and exercise. Once you start tracking your health, it’s hard not to try different things to improve it.
Although I’ve tracked my sleep for five years now, it’s only been in the last year or so I’ve really got into this whole biohacking thing. I think the first thing people get into with biohacking is butter in the their coffee. This came about by biohacking extraordinaire, Dave Asprey, the founder of the Bulletproof Diet. I’m a big fan, but giving it a rest at the moment due to adrenal fatigue issues and the general consensus that caffeine is not good for adrenal problems. I think my underlying adrenal issues are what got me interested in biohacking. I knew I wanted to do more and be more, but simply didn’t have the energy. Normal doctors are useless when it comes to treating adrenal fatigue, so I went searching for better hacks.
My research told me that sleep was key, and not just any sleep; quality sleep. My sleep tracking for years told me that I’ve really not been getting enough and the quality was rubbish. Enter biohacks for sleep. Once I know what works best I’ll give some reports, but some things I’m trying based on other peoples research are orange glasses at night to block blue light, high doses of light in the day, meditation and hypnosis aps and various different diet ideas. A friend also just told me about earthing sheets and pillows, which have also got me thinking…
If you’ve got a tried and tested sleep quality hack, or something you just think I should try. Leave a comment or shoot me a message.